Friday, March 2, 2012

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was milk!  Then, there was cheese.  Make no mistake about the order.  This is no futile attempt to discern any chicken/egg conundrum (currently my favorite wine, btw).  Alas, I've been around cheese since Uncle Glenn (nicknamed "The Big Cheese" by the family) had me out there giving samples away when I was 10 years old.  I was shorter then and unable to see over the counter.  And yet, the old ladies were amazed that I was able to give change back perfectly every time....

Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, cheese and the blog!  You probably know that I am starting this blog to document my travels for cheese in the U.K.  Specifically, I'm going to be working with the fine folks at Neals Yard Dairy.  They are the utmost experts, purveyors, and champions for cheese!  I will be working at their two retail spaces, spending time on the road, making rounds, and working in their aging caves.  It is a lot to do and take in, but I promise to do my best to keep up through this "realtime" blog.

What you may not know, is that I am starting off in Dublin with my wife for a vacation/exploration of the Land of Saints and Scholars, Ireland.  We will be spending a little time in Dublin, driving to the west side for the Cliffs of Moher, through Shannon & Limerick, stopping in Killarney and the Ring of Kerry, and finishing in Cork!  Food, drink, exercise, and beauty are all on the docket.

So, as I sign off of my first blog post EVER, I give you my sworn duty to keep you updated through words, pictures, videos, and plenty of good cheese, I mean cheer.

Zingerman's Deli

No, I mean cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Looking forward to reading about your findings :)
